HoosOnline has retired
As of May 2021, the University of Virginia has retired HoosOnline. But not to worry, the services and resources you previously accessed through HoosOnline are still available to you and all alumni:
- Alumni Email:
- If you already have an email account like this (yourname@alumni.virginia.edu), nothing has changed about your access to your account/email address.
- To learn more and request an account, please visit the Vmail website
- Questions about alumni email? Email
- Alumni Directory: The Alumni Association is proud to offer Wahoo Connect, our new home to the alumni directory (and much more!). This new engagement hub is the place to connect with fellow alumni and forge professional networking and mentoring relationships. Learn more about Wahoo Connect here.
- Please note: As Wahoo Connect is a new platform, you will need to create a new username and password – your HoosOnline login information is not valid.
- Library Resources: University of Virginia alumni have complete access to six vast research databases from EBSCOhost®, provided by UVA Lifetime Learning in partnership with the University Library. Fill out this form to receive access to the research databases. Upon filling out the form, you will receive an email containing a link to access the research databases. Please save or bookmark that link for future use. Additional questions about library access? Email lifetimelearning@virginia.edu.
- Alumni Career Services
- Update your contact information
- For Alumni Association Membership questions, please contact alumni-membership-services@virginia.edu or call 434-243-9000.
- For details about your giving history, please contact alumni-association@virginia.edu or call 434-234-9000.
Looking for something else? Visit alumni.virginia.edu for additional information on our programs and services.